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          5 tips for a smartphone without hot shot!

          protect phone summer

           (Photo: © Shutterstock)

          UPDATED JUNE 24, 2019

          Reading time: 3 min

          If the sun is a danger for your skin , it can also be one for your smartphone   ! To be able to keep it at your side for a while and not have to change it immediately, here are some precautions to take.


          The most common problems
          1. Do not let him hang out in the car
          2. Limit the features
          3. Skip some applications
          4. Remove the hull
          5. What if your phone is boiling?


          The most common problems

          In the short term, a hot shot will not mean that your phone is at the end of life. On the other hand, in the long run, this can have serious consequences, since the components will deteriorate much more quickly.

          It can thus have problems of posting : screen that jumps, tasks that form, touch screen that does not respond ... When in the sun, better to return it to take the least risk possible. Do the same also when exposed near a window. As you can see, the best thing is to put it in the shade.

          Heat can also be harmful to the battery . A lithium battery degrades much more quickly when exposed to heat. It is therefore necessary to protect it.

          1. Do not let him hang out in his car

          Placed in full sun, the cabin of your vehicle is a true furnace. If your phone is there, it can be fatal. So think of taking it with you.

          If, for any reason, you must leave it in your car, choose the trunk, but do not store it in the glove box, which is not designed to filter the sun's rays. Logically, avoid putting it near the windows and windshield.

          2. Limit the features

          If you do not absolutely need it, cut off the Internet connection and the GPS function, as well as Bluetooth, which tend to overheat your mobile.

          With high temperatures, it is better to activate them only if necessary.

          3. Skip some applications

          Sometimes they are particularly greedy: when you launch them, the overheating of your device is inevitable. This mainly concerns games , which are also energy intensive.

          If your device is hot, consider closing them, especially if you do not use it at this time.

          4. Remove the hull

          In summer, you prefer light clothes ... Well your smartphone too   !

          Protection , when it is imposing, can be harmful for the health of your phone, even if it obviously preserves shocks. It is better to think of removing it when the temperatures are hot.

          5. And if you phone is boiling   ?

          The evil is unfortunately already done? Turn it off and place it in the shade , there is no alternative to waiting patiently.

          In any case, do not put it in  a fridge   : it will clearly not help him, because condensation may form and damage the electronic circuits, irreversible damage.

          You have scrupulously followed our advice, but despite everything, your phone is not very fit anymore? Go to a mobile phone specialist to have it repaired or repaired urgently!

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