I'm Léa Frising, a happy married woman and proud mother of two wonderful children, not forgetting our three adorable cats who bring a touch of sweetness to our home. On 4 January 2022, I launched my business with passion and kindness, with the aim of offering you an unforgettable moment of relaxation and reconnection. Over the last few years, the pandemic has had a profound effect on my life, as it has on so many of us. The confinement offered me the opportunity to realise that the frantic pace of my life was leading me straight down a blind alley, distancing me from what's essential, from myself. This realisation was the trigger that turned my life around. Various factors added to this revelation, in particular my children's growing adolescence, requiring more independence, and my enriching encounter with Ayurveda. The latter led me to train in Ayurvedic massage, an experience that gave me great fulfilment and opened my eyes to my vocation to help others and share my well-being. Convinced that doing good for others does me good in return, I decided, with the support of my family, to open a massage parlour in our home. My aim was to create a warm and welcoming space to offer you the best possible conditions for relaxation.
Today, I continue to train in Ayurveda and explore other forms of massage to enhance my offer and provide my customers with personalised treatments tailored to their needs. Your satisfaction and well-being are at the heart of my commitment. Alongside my core business, I've also taken an interest in other areas. I'm keen to develop my secondary activity. I specialise in Ayurvedic massages such as Padabhyanga (foot) + Kansu Bowl, Shiroabhyanga (head and neck) + Foot Bath, Upanashaveda (back) + Foot Bath, and Ku Nye Tibetan Massage. I also offer Ayurvedic massages specially designed for pregnant women, because I'm convinced that every stage of life deserves special attention. As well as Ayurvedic massage, I also practise palm reflexology and Reiki. My aim is to provide you with a holistic and balanced experience to help you feel good in body and mind. I sincerely thank you for taking the time to discover me through these lines, and I hope to have the opportunity to welcome you soon in my massage parlour. Your trust is a precious gift that I'm committed to honouring by offering you high-quality, personalised and caring treatments.
I look forward to meeting you and accompanying you.