Nutrition counselling for animals
en 42ms-
The company is located opposite the Auberge Hotel Gaichel. Animagick is run by Anick and Magalie. We naturally love contact and sharing with people. This led us to join a dog club where we worked as volunteer educators.This experience brought us...
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At CadCie, we are not a shelter, but experts in responsible adoption.Our mission? To find the ideal pet for each home by collaborating with accredited and ethical breeders, ensuring animal welfare. "Try CadCie, and you'll adopt it!"Founded in 2023,...
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Laurence Champagne: Certified Dog Trainer and Behaviorist .Education and resolution of behavioural problems in puppies and adult dogs.I help you to achieve your goals of a fulfilling life with a well-balanced, well-educated and happy...
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Mobile small animal veterinarian doing house calls - 18 years of experience.Home visits allow me to check out and treat your pet in his familiar surroundings.Less stress for you and your pet.Anaesthesia and surgery are performed in my mobile...
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We are a team of small animal veterinarians – 35 years of experience – your calls are answerd by a veterinarian – home visits on demand – opening all year – consults for prevention medecine and illness – surgery – X-Ray - NutritionOur services ...
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Services proposés pour animaux domestiques chez Pet's Heaven:Kinésithérapie ChiropratiqueAcupunctureÉlectrothérapieLaserUltrason thérapeutiqueSangsuesAquatrainerMassageThérapies manuellesPlaque vibrante,...
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VETERINARY CLINIC - The broadest spectrum of veterinary services in Luxembourg - 24/7 emergency (please call before coming) - consultations by appointment - general medicine and various specialisations
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Docteur Claudie Reyland et Docteur Diane Neuberg vous accueillent au sein de leur cabinet vétérinaire situé à Junglinster. Sauf en cas d'urgence, les consultations se font uniquement sur rendez-vous au cabinet ou à domicile. Dr Claudie Reyland et...
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Le cabinet reste ouvert pour les urgences. Merci de nous contacter au 22 81 67 pour prendre rendez-vous.