Furniture - Manufacturers and wholesalers
en 52ms-
Willy Putz in Schieren is a materials sales and installation shop.Covering an area of 2000m², our showroom lets you discover our range of tiles, sanitaryware, parquet flooring, doors and kitchens, ceilings and false ceilings.We are your partner for...
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The Peters Smart Group exists more than 30 years. We are one oft he only certified passive wood house construction companies in all of Luxembourg.Wood : a high-quality material, always trendy, versatile and timeless.Smart-Wood, Smart-Window,...
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Artespazio is a dynamic company specialized in furniture and professional space design. Since 2011, we have been supporting businesses in the design, manufacturing, and installation of custom-made furniture tailored to their needs and those of the...
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Unsere Vision: Ihre zu verwirklichen.Ganz gleich ob Ladenbau, Gastronomie, Wohnmöbel, Böden, Küchen oder Renovierungen: Wir bauen, was Sie sich vorstellen können. Und sorgen dabei gerne dafür, dass es Ihre Vorstellungen noch übertrifft.ServiceMit...
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Store ideas and individual room concepts that are both fascinating and conceptually convincing. Take advantage of our experience. For over 100 years, we have been the specialists in shopfitting and interior design in the...
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Menuiserie BRIBOISLux fabrique et rénove des menuiseries classiques, modernes ou contemporaines qui aménageront vos espaces sur mesure.Pour satisfaire au mieux à vos besoins nous vous offrons un service complet comprenant :- L'élaboration des plans,-...
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Valvic Global Services Sàrl
3B Rue des Champs L-8360 Goetzingen (Gëtzen)7 -
Knaf-Buchler Succ. H. Oeltges
3 Rue de l'Ecole L-6315 Beaufort (Beefort)8 -
Nidemalux Sàrl
1 Rue Jean-Pierre Brasseur L-1258 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)9 -
Luxcon SA
1 Rue de Manternach L-6754 Grevenmacher (Gréiwemaacher)10