Rental of lighting equipment
en 70ms-
Sono-Anim is an event agency specializing in the design and execution of tailor-made audiovisual solutions for all types of events. Whether you are a professional or a private individual, we offer a comprehensive range of services in Stage, Sound,...
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Location élévation :Mini pelle, micro pelleLocation accessoires terrassement :Godet, benne, BRH, tarière hydrauliqueLocation pompage, brumisation :Pompe immergée Location chargeuse :Chargeuse articulée - Chargeuse compacte sur...
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Our range of products and services is already huge, but still, in addition, we provide you with management service to make your event extraordinary; this means that we will organize any kind of event, from the little party up to huge festivals, for...
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Mack Jeff, fondateur de SOUND-DELIGHT est plus qu'un passionné, c'est un professionnel de l'audio accomplie! Né en 1989, Jeff Mack a obtenu des 1er prix en trompette, chant, solfège, harmonie et musique de chambre.En 2012, il a obtenu le diplôme...
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