en 43ms-
Celine Vaquer offers you a Professional, Preventive, Precise, Personalized, Participative, and above all, Compassionate consultation.Consultations where you have the time to share your story, received with respect and without judgment.Clear and...
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Chez BHappy Healthclub, nous vous aidons à devenir la version la plus heureuse et la plus saine de vous-même en mettant en œuvre des outils fournis par la nature, soutenus par la science. Bonjour, je suis Bérénice, la fondatrice du BHappy Healthclub....
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Hello and Welcome!I am very passionate about working with clients who, maybe like you, are often confused and frustrated, and who come to see me after they have "tried it all" - "quick fixes" included - to reach their goals, be it for weight...