Undertakers accessories
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Pompes Funèbres Calmes, a family business serving the community for four generations.With decades of experience, we have fostered strong values over many generations, such as trust, attentiveness and a common desire to provide you with...
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Pompes Funèbres Calmes, a family business serving the community for four generations.With decades of experience, we have fostered strong values over many generations, such as trust, attentiveness and a common desire to provide you with support in...
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Pompes Funèbres Calmes, a family business serving the community for four generations.With decades of experience, we have fostered strong values over many generations, such as trust, attentiveness and a common desire to provide you with...
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Pompes Funèbres Calmes, a family business serving the community for four generations.With decades of experience, we have fostered strong values over many generations, such as trust, attentiveness and a common desire to provide you with...
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Pompes Funèbres Calmes, a family business serving the community for four generations.With decades of experience, we have fostered strong values over many generations, such as trust, attentiveness and a common desire to provide you with...
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The STRANEN Funeral Directors wish that the last tribute resemble the deceased and be in line with his affinities as well as those of his relatives. This is why we establish together the course and content of the funeral, to organize a personalized...
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he STRANEN Funeral Directors wish that the last tribute resemble the deceased and be in line with his affinities as well as those of his relatives. This is why we establish together the course and content of the funeral, to organize a personalized...
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We are available 24/7Pompes Funèbres Henkes Succ. Calmes in Differdange will help you with all your administrative formalities and take charge of organising funeral events.Our company, founded in 1890, puts its experience at your service to advise...
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"Au cours des 100 dernières années, la Marbrerie Hary est devenue une vraie icone dans la branche des marbriers au Luxembourg." C’est avec notre mentalité amiable, et notre poursuite ininterrompue de la qualité et de l’innovation que nous...
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Feuerbestattung im Krematorium von Luxemburg ohne Mitgliedschaft in irgendeinem Feuerbestattungsverein, ohne Vorauszahlung, ohne Jahresbeiträge. Formalitäten und Behördengänge. Willenserklärung auf Wunsch möglich.Unser Büro und unser Ausstellungsraum...
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Maison Platz Pompes Funèbres Générales du Luxembourg
1 Rue de la Boucherie L-1247 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)11A votre service 24h/24 7j/7 Pompes Funèbres Agrées. Membre de la Fédération Nationale. Notre société se charge selon le souhait des familles de toutes les formalités, démarches et conseils au moment d'un décès, évitant ainsi aux familles les...
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La société Pompes Funèbres Dahm & Fils (Société Luxembourgeoise de Crémation) gère depuis 1995 les volontés de près de 3.000 personnes.Nous pouvons vous accompagner pour les services suivants : - la rédaction de l'annonce mortuaire -...
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The Maison Burg specializes in cemetery work :opening and closing graves,supply and installation of burial vaults,design and installation of monuments,cleaning and floral decoration contracts,restoration and cleaning of steles, tombstones and...
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Maison Burg was founded in 1930 by carpenter Victor Rollinger from Beyeren. Since then, the company has remained in the family and today, Pierre Burg works with his daughter Charline and their team. For 4 generations, their aim has remained unchanged...
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Les Pompes Funèbres Bous-Goergen, une entreprise familiale à votre écoute pour vous soutenir dans un moment difficile de la vie, une épreuve que vous n’avez pas choisie ...Notre équipe accompagne les familles en deuil pour les soulager dans toutes...
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The STRANEN Funeral Directors wish that the last tribute resemble the deceased and be in line with his affinities as well as those of his relatives. This is why we establish together the course and content of the funeral, to organize a personalized...
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ETERNUM pompes funèbres à Schandel est à votre service depuis plusieurs années.Nous vous soutenons pour toutes démarches administratives auprès des administrations.Notre société s'occupe du rapatriement d'un défunt depuis l'étranger. Vous avez...
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Located in Dudelange, Pompes Funèbres Ruhl has been assisting bereaved families in the organisation of their loved ones' funerals in Luxembourg for almost 30 years.The third generation of the Ruhl family, Sylvie and Jean receive you every day in...
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The STRANEN Funeral Directors wish that the last tribute resemble the deceased and be in line with his affinities as well as those of his relatives. This is why we establish together the course and content of the funeral, to organize a personalized...
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Since several generations Erasmy Pompes Funèbres guarantees a funeral respecting the wishes of the deceased and those of their loved ones. Our bespoke, compassionate and dignified services cover all aspects of funeral...