A Synergy Creating Architecture in Harmony for All
SCAHT Architecture & Development S.A is a division of the CSx Group. This entity works closely with the other divisions of the group: SCIRI and SCURE.
You are unique. Your project should be too.
SCAHT brings together all the architecture professions under one roof. A comprehensive range of services enables you to realize your project in perfect harmony, from the initial sketches to the final budget checks. At every stage, SCAHT provides the advice and expertise necessary for the success of your project in every aspect. To bring it to life according to your wishes. To make it a space where living is truly a pleasure. All while guaranteeing a sound investment.
Your project in harmony…
Whether classic or modern, public or private, the SCAHT style is defined by a constant pursuit of harmony. A harmony that seamlessly integrates people with their environment and focuses on enhancing their well-being. Through open dialogue, SCAHT aligns with your own vision of harmony. Together with you, we determine the placement of volumes, the organization of interior spaces, and the choice of materials. Contrasts, textures, tones, and movements become an expression of what makes you unique, a reflection of your ideal balance: a unique moment where harmony leads to the art of living.