SINGA means 'to connect' in Lingala, a language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As an NGO based in Luxembourg, SINGA is actively involved in humanitarian aid through the integration of refugees and newcomers.
As its name suggests, SINGA facilitates the connection between the local population and newcomers through various programs and events. Our goal is to accelerate the integration of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection into their host society. To achieve this, we organize cultural activities, such as solidarity and ecological missions, as well as professional projects, including job market information sessions and a mentorship program.
At SINGA, we believe that inclusion and cooperation lead to innovation and unity. Therefore, we strive to build a more inclusive society and an innovative economy that allows every individual, regardless of their origin, to realize their full potential. To this end, SINGA creates tools that enable everyone to develop social, professional, and entrepreneurial projects.
For more information, contact us at +352 661 279 999 or by email.