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          Staff Intérim - Agence Bâtiment & Travaux Publics

          Interim 29 Rue de la Libération L-4210 Esch-sur-Alzette (Esch-Uelzecht)
          See the number 26 53 39-1 Getting There Website Contact

          About Staff Intérim - Agence Bâtiment & Travaux Publics

          • Disabled access
          • Function room

          Staff interim is a local and independent company. This is the challenge taken up by a team of professionals brought together by the desire to work together and put their long experience at the service of the companies they know so well.

          A close-knit team, with up to 30 years of experience in human resources in Luxemburg.

          Since its beginnings in January 2002, Staff has experienced rapid development, which can be explained by the exceptional stability of its teams and the great loyalty of its customers.

          Every day, we delegate between 500 and 600 people to an extremely diverse clientele.

          The Staff team demonstrates every day, in a concrete way, its availability and dedication to candidates as well as to each of its clients.

          Temporary work and recruitment are local professions and we are convinced that a human-sized structure like ours can offer more to its customers and employees.


          Business areas

          •  Shell, finishing & public works sector
          •  Industry & logistics sector
          •  Tertiary sector & ict


          Our health and safety commitment

          Staff is proud to have been in June 2010 the first Luxembourg interim company to receive OHSAS 18001 certification (abbreviation of Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series). Several times a year, a regulatory monitoring session is scheduled with LuxControl in order to monitor changes in legislation.

          The education and awareness of temporary staff to general safety rules is a fundamental step in the Staff service. We are committed to improving the working conditions of our staff while respecting the requirements of our customers.

          Our articles

          Contact persons