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          Vocational training and life-long learning 19 Rue de l'Industrie L-8069 Bertrange (Bartreng)
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          About Trainevo

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          Trainevo is a continuing training organization that supports private companies and public institutions in upgrading the skills of their personnel in key areas such as worker health and safety, human resources, quality, food safety, hygiene, environment, energy, societal change, CSR/circular economy, and IT.

          Our mission is to support our customers in the continuous development of their teams' skills, in order to maximize their performance and productivity, while strengthening customer and shareholder loyalty. Our training courses are designed to meet specific market needs, giving our customers a crucial competitive edge. By optimizing the skills of their employees, we not only deliver a better return on investment, but also reduce staff turnover, improve employee satisfaction and increase attractiveness to new talent.

          Trainevo puts its recognized expertise and qualified trainers at your disposal to offer you both catalog-based and customized training, according to your specific needs.

          To adapt to your constraints and preferences, our training courses can take place face-to-face on our premises or at your facility, in blending-learning, or in e-learning.

          We are committed to providing you with flexible and effective solutions to ensure the optimum development of your teams' skills and support the sustainable growth of your business.

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