LuxCord specialises in difficult-access and rope-access works.
We provide solutions for companies that carry out repair, renovation or maintenance work on all kinds of buildings, specifically when accessibility and safety are an issue as the works are carried out at a height or in hard-to-reach areas.
LuxCord draws on its expertise and know-how to provide you with effective, safe and rapid solutions. Boasting over 15 years’ experience in works-at-height, we offer solutions for various activities in the building, industrial, forestry and urban sectors.
Our areas of expertise:
Cleaning services:
Personal and collective personal equipment (PPE and CPE):
Finishing work
Forestry, agricultural and public works
Our safety management commitments:
We carry out an in-depth study and risk assessment for each project.
LuxCord employees are trained and authorised to carry out rope-access and difficult-access works.
PPE is checked and verified by an independent body, which issues a compliance certificate (project launch document).
A designated worker is in charge of internal safety procedures.
He/she supervises the works to ensure they are performed properly and liaises between the various stakeholders and institutional players.
LuxCord has signed up to an eco-driving and environmental conservation protocol. The products and detergents used are consistent with this approach.